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Our Approach

Culture drives the strategy the organisation delivers. Utilising a third party model based on a strong research foundation. The four traits of the model measure the behaviours driven by the organisation's cultural beliefs and assumptions, which businesses need to master to deliver high performance.


Building your team’s capability at every level of the organisation and involving individuals in your journey to dramatically improve your organisation’s performance and its ability to respond to the ever-evolving needs of its customers and developing market.


Through a structured process, working alongside you with key decision/review points to deliver a development journey aligned with your strategic goals to create a shared sense of ownership, commitment, and responsibility across your employees.

Phase 1 - Mobilise

discovery & planning

  • Establishes the scope, project team, resources and governance.  

  • Understand the business readiness to start on a journey of cultural development and agree the communications strategy.  

  • Clarity of your organisational vision and strategic ambition (where to play and how to win).  Executive and senior leadership’s openness to hold difficult conversations, build clarity and alignment, and lead behaviour change.

Phase 2 - Insight

identify the organisation's current health

  • Building a detailed view of the current health across your organisation through a comprehensive questionnaire. Establishing the strengths and where development opportunities, the alignment and disconnects across teams and departments and between leadership, managers, and employees, across the four business success traits.

Phase 3 - Ideation

innovate for the future

  • Bringing together your strategic ambition and your multiple stakeholder groups' cultural expectations, working with your people to combine them, undertaking gap analysis, and identifying prioritised opportunities to strengthen culture, drive organisational health and sustainable business performance improvement.  

Phase 4 - Design

future state - 'To Be' organisational culture

  • Build out the options based on the information and data collected in the first three phases.  

  • Identify the recommended option(s) and high-level route map to transform organisational health. 

  • A detailed design and transition plan establishing the process, priorities, resources and metrics to deliver and monitor the agreed option(s).

Phase 5 - Delivery

initiative implementation

  • This phase turns the model into reality by establishing and delivering the initiatives required to evolve culture, capabilities and organisational health. Partnering with your leadership team to support the organisation to make the changes operational and sustainable.

Phase 6 - Sustain

control & reinforce

  • Establish the method by which culture initiatives are measured, reviewed and adapted.

  • Establish the organisational health development review process and decision-making forums, key inputs/outputs and frequencies.

C Approach: List
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