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Organisational Health

Culture is the beliefs, values, rituals, symbols that underpin the narrative within the organisation.  The stories, assumptions, behavioural norms, the basis for alignment of purpose and shared action across your teams, departments and organisation.  Without establishing the right culture for the journey ahead, some if not all initiatives will flounder and fail.

Organisational health is a business's ability to function efficiently and effectively, evolve and grow from within, void of politics and confusion, resulting in high performance. A healthy organisation starts at the top with the leader and leadership team working as one, with collective accountability, putting the organisation ahead of personal aspiration and departmental success, with shared ownership of objectives.


The open and transparent nature of a healthy organisation enables people to learn from each other, identify critical issues, learn fast and learn often, cycling through problems, rally around solutions and quickly recover from mistakes. Organisational health is at the core of your business and underpins success or failure. To deliver your strategic ambition, you need to manage and align your organisation’s culture for the journey ahead. 

Business Meeting
Culture: Welcome

Helping you

Working with you to measure the behaviours driven by the values, beliefs and assumptions that form your organisation's culture and sub-cultures and its impact on performance and alignment with your strategic ambition.

Business Meeting

The key benefits of organisational health

  • Leadership team clarity and alignment

  • Improved integration of your organisation's strategic ambition throughout your business

  • More empowered and engaged staff

  • Self-sufficient problem-solving teams

  • Reduced operational and process risks due to higher levels of management visibility and control 

  • Sustainability of standard work

  • Increase in customer satisfaction

  • Increase in operational excellence capability

  • Effective operations management

  • Purposeful measures and visual management

Our Approach

Culture drives the strategy the organisation delivers. Utilising a third party model based on a strong research foundation. The four traits of the model measure the behaviours driven by the organisation's cultural beliefs and assumptions, which businesses need to master to deliver high performance.


Building your team’s capability at every level of the organisation and involving individuals in your journey to dramatically improve your organisation’s performance and its ability to respond to the ever-evolving needs of its customers and developing market.


Through a structured process, working alongside you with key decision/review points to deliver a development journey aligned with your strategic goals to create a shared sense of ownership, commitment, and responsibility across your employees.

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