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Our Approach

Working with you and your leadership team to evaluate the internal and external forces and how you respond to position your business to win in the evolving marketplace. Following our six-phase methodology provides a structured engagement with key decision/review points.

Phase 1 - Mobilise

discovery & planning

  • Establishes the scope, project team, stakeholder analysis and management, high-level plan, resource (financial & people) requirements and governance.

  • Understand the leadership team and organisational cultural readiness for strategic change.

Phase 2 - Insight

current state (understand internal and external strategic drivers)

  • Review current mission to understand purpose, strategy, values, policies, governance and corporate social responsibility

  • Review current critical success measures and their vertical and horizontal congruence

  • Environmental analysis, PESTEL, market and customer trends

  • Position audit – value chain analysis 

  • Corporate appraisal (SWOT, performance, culture)

Phase 3 - Ideation

innovate for the future

  • Evaluate the strategic options.

  • Define the strategic ambition, where to play and how to win.

  • Understand the cultural readiness for strategy enablement.


  • Strategic direction option generation and recommendation

    • Define the long-term objectives and approach that are required to achieve the outcome.

    • Build an inventory of strategic and operational initiatives and metrics.

Phase 4 - Design

future state (what is required to deliver strategy)

  • Define the prioritised annual objectives that will lead to the achievement of the strategic ambition.

  • Define the departmental or team objectives that will lead to the achievement of the annual targets.

  • Define the high-level resource allocation (people and budget).

  • Define the governance structure.

Phase 5 - Delivery

initiative implementation (employee and stakeholder engagement)

  • Establish robust ownership and accountability for all objectives, metrics and initiatives.

  • Validate the alignment of the objectives, metrics and initiatives.

  • Employee and stakeholder engagement and communications

  • Rollout a balance scorecard measurement

Phase 6 - Sustain

control & reinforce

  • Establish the strategic direction and deployment review processes, review and decision making forums, key inputs/outputs and frequencies.

  • Establish the method by which objectives, metrics and initiatives are reviewed and improved.

S&D Approach: List
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